Malaysia International Genetics Congress (MiGC16)

Download Flyer: MiGC16 1st Announcement

Genetics Society of Malaysia to host the 16th Malaysia International Genetics Congress (MIGC15) on 28-30 April 2025 at Bangi Resort Hotel (physical & online congress). The theme of the congress is `Genetics and AI: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Innovations’.

In Conjunction with MiGC16:

30th PGM Annual General Meeting (Online)

This 3-day congress will address the latest advances in various genetic activities and its achievements. More than 30 keynote and invited speakers will be presenting their views and findings in this congress. The congress will provide opportunities and gather as many geneticists, breeders, scientists, researchers, academicians, biotechnologists, industrialists and students to share their latest knowledge, experiences and achievements in genetics related improvement programmes.


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