Professor Dr. Abd Rahman Milan
Persatuan Genetik Malaysia

Message from President

On behalf of the PGM Council Members, I would like to welcome everyone, especially to all PGM members, to this PGM website. This website is specially created by the Genetics Society of Malaysia for the benefits of all members to foster greater networking, and exchange of ideas and experiences among the PGM members. The website highlights the information of all activities of the PGM besides sharing knowledge on the different fields of genetics: human, animal, plant and microbe.

Congratulations to the website committee members for the great effort gathering all information and ideas for the creation of this new look of PGM website. In its new look, the website now has more interesting and interactive features. The website now has the login feature where members can login to enjoy the full access benefits. PGM members will have the liberty to manage their own membership account and gain a full access to all publications of PGM. Some publications are made accessible to members only where non-member viewers can either become a member or buy to read the publication of interest. Members are also welcome to participate more by putting up advertisement or announcement of events or activities related to genetics on the website and are very much encouraged to contribute ideas that can benefit the members of the society through a special feature on the website.

Once again kudos to the website committee members and I hope all members will continuously contribute for the survival of the website. I wish you all an enjoyable and fruitful virtual communication for your society.


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